
Tweezers pointed pure hands cheers

Hand polished, every tweezer has undergone a strict process to pursue the perfection of quality.

Very sharp clamp precision

Precise closure of the tip, high seal Sgrade

Precise clamping 0. 008mm silver flying leash

And a variety of precision-small components

Non -magnetic not adsorption

Stainless steel dia magnetic steel, easy to master with a variety of precision object maintenance.

Simple and comfortable intake of small parts

Suitable for small space holding

For cell phone/computer repair

Easy to take into account

Choose high -quality stainless steel

Take in imported stainless steel material of the high hardness 304.

Good toughness, good elasticity density 7. 39g/cm3.

It has good corrosion resistance.

Rust protection wear firmness

Given the maintenance work

Use the board washing water, colophone and other chemicals.

Strong corrosion resistance significantly improve the lifespan.